Fmr Israeli Ambassador: US Exhibiting Weakness on Iran, Syria

February 8, 2012

Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations chided the United States and other Western powers for displaying weakness in the face of an Iranian nuclear threat.

Speaking to Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Dan Gillerman said:

I think the Iranians are looking at the rest of the world, including the United States, and what they are perceiving is weakness.  They see the United States standing by while Iran’s proxies in Syria right on our border and backyard are butchering and slaughtering hundreds of civilians, including women and children and babies, each and every day. What we are seeing in Syria is just a preview. Thousands have been killed, and the international community does nothing.

The United States and others go to the Security Council of the U.N., and Russia and China block a vote which would condemn it. That makes Iran feel that the rest of the world is  ineffectual and weak. And the leader of the free world, the United States, is perceived as weak. It is perceived as weak also because a lot of its allies including the ones in the Middle East down, and they ask themselves, is the United States really serious?

Published under: Israel