Arizona Dem indicted for bribery, fraud and extortion

State representative took D-Backs, Cardinals tickets in exchange for helping push real estate deals

Arizona state Rep. Ben Arredondo has been indicted of federal charges of bribery, fraud and extortion after accepting sports tickets from undercover FBI agents in exchange for help with real estate and development deals, reports KNXV in Phoenix.

ANCHOR: New developments on the state representative indicted for his alleged shady ways. Ben Arredondo accused of bribery, fraud, extortion and busted in a federal sting. Brian Webb is live at our capitol on this one. And Brian, in this indictment I understand you’ve read it over, what is he accused of doing specifically?

REPORTER: Well, the 10-page indictment said he is accused of taking more than $6,000 in bribes--usually tickets to sporting or charity events, in exchange for political favors to businessmen. But it turns out the same businessmen were actually agents from the FBI. 64-year-old Ben Arredondo, a long time political figure in Tempe, 16 years on the city council there before becoming a state lawmaker two years ago. He would get tickets to D-backs or Cardinals games, sometimes as many as 18 for one game, and according to the paperwork, he would do it to clear the way for real estate and development deals for this fictitious company set up by the feds, using his influence to other elected officials, introducing people to put things together and helping the businesses attract federal grant money. Arredondo didn't answer the door this evening but one of his fellow democrat lawmakers is talking tonight and calling for his resignation.

DAVID SCHAPIRA: I think that Rep. Arredondo will have other commitments when dealing with this lawsuit and he will resign so we can focus on what’s needed at the capital.

REPORTER: And we got a response from Arredondo's attorney basically saying he has dedicated his life to Tempe and the state of Arizona and this indictment shouldn't overshadow that. Katie, he is expected to be in court on May 30.

ANCHOR: We'll keep you updated. Thank you, Brian.

Published under: Crime Blotter , Video