A Pattern

President Obama proposing his 2014 budget / AP
May 10, 2013

So, to recap, here are the big stories over the last couple of weeks:

  • Per the New York Times, the Department of Justice handed out billions of dollars in settlements to Democratic client groups after Democratic political appointees pressured career attorneys to drop their objections;
  • Per the Associated Press, the IRS targeted conservative organizations for special scrutiny in the run up to the 2012 election, for which it has been forced to apologize (but not, naturally, punish anyone);
  • Per ABC News, the Benghazi talking points were repeatedly revised in order to remove mentions of terrorism less than two months ahead of an election in which the sitting president was repeatedly telling us that al Qaeda had been "decimated."

But hey. There's nothing to see here. We should all just move along. All those crazy conservatives with their crazy conspiracy theories should just shut it. The very suggestion that the president and his cronies would fraudulently hand out money to their supporters, or target conservative nonprofit organizations, or monkey with intelligence in order to cast the administration in a better light? Absurd. How dare you, sir? Have you no decency?