Border Crossings

Report: More Than 331,000 Illegal Immigrants Snagged at Southern Border in 2015

Oversight report warns DHS failing to secure southern border

March 1, 2016
Osama bin Laden

Bin Laden Left $29M to Family in Will to Conduct Jihad

New documents released from raid of al Qaeda leader’s Pakistan compound

March 1, 2016
Jerusalem explosion 1997

Court: American Victims of Terror Can Confiscate $9 Million From Iran

Landmark decision grants victims access to Iranian funds

March 1, 2016
Hillary Cliinton

Clinton Campaign Has Spent More Than $2 Million on Private Jets

Hillary has faced scrutiny in the past over her preference for private charters

March 1, 2016
Terry McAuliffe

Landmark Virginia Gun Carry Deal Signed Into Law

Gun rights groups celebrate as gun control advocates trash the deal

March 1, 2016

DHS Secretly Scrubbed 1,000 Names From U.S. Terror Watch Lists

Obama admin kept secret terrorist 'hands off' list

March 1, 2016