W.V. Mayor: 'I Wouldn’t Vote For Obama If He Was Last Man in the World'

JIM ACOSTA: Just down the road from this West Virginia battlefield in the tiny town of Bolivar, there is a war of words going on over the state’s Democratic presidential primary between the man in the White House and the man in the big house.

MAYOR ROBERT HARDY: I know who I didn’t vote for.

ACOSTA: Who’s that?

HARDY:  Obama!

ACOSTA: You didn’t vote for Obama?

HARDY: No, sir. I wouldn’t vote for him if he was the last man in the world.

ACOSTA: The town’s mayor Robert Hardy, like tens of thousands, voted for Keith Judd, who is currently in a federal prison in Texas. Hardy said he had no idea Judd was behind bars.

HARDY:  I didn’t even know he was a prisoner.

ACOSTA: You voted for the prisoner?

HARDY:  I didn’t even know him, but I voted against Obama.

Published under: Obama Campaign