Yahoo Anchor: Hillary Clinton Not Anticipating Email Fallout is 'So Amateur Hour'

July 1, 2015

Yahoo anchor Bianna Golodryga characterized Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president as "amateur hour" on Wednesday because of its clunking response to the scandal over Clinton’s secret email server.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Golodryga expressed surprise that Clinton World "didn’t anticipate that her emails would become a topic of conversation." Golodryga went on to say that the episode was "so amateur hour, especially for the Clintons."

The Morning Joe panel was discussing Sidney Blumenthal’s role as an unofficial advisor to Clinton at the State Department.

It then zeroed in on news that controversial attorney Catherine Duval has taken charge of the State Department effort to release Hillary Clinton’s incomplete record of emails.

Last year, Duval testified for the IRS about the missing emails of former Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner. Investigators suspected that Lerner’s emails contained information about the IRS’s discrimination against conservative groups seeking nonprofit status. Both the device Lerner used to send emails and the backup tapes containing her emails were destroyed.

"So the lady that handled Lois Lerner’s situation when she destroyed a server of backup emails is now in charge of this? Isn’t that remarkable?" host Joe Scarborough said.

"It is remarkable," former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele said. "Even if it’s a non-story, you create a story by how you roll it out. If you have someone who already has an issue with Congress and how she handled documents why put her in charge of something you know is so politically explosive. It’s crazy."