WFB's Liz Harrington Goes On Fox Business To Discuss Hillary's Email Problem

Full transcript below:

TOM SULLIVAN: Top three words voters think of to describe Clinton, this is Quinnipiac - 'liar,' 'dishonest,' and 'untrustworthy.' Wow. Joining me now host of the Chris Plant show on WMAL radio in Washington, Chris Plant, and staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon, Liz Harrington. I don't know, you talk about calling people names, the people responded with liar and untrustworthy. Chris - pretty mean stuff!

CHRIS PLANT: Well, apparently the American people can't be fooled all the time, as they say. I think it's really great news for America. In spite of what mainstream news is feeding us, people are aware that Hillary Clinton has been telling a series of untruths, that she's a dishonest person, that she comes off as being untrustworthy, that everything she says is suspect, it all depends what the meaning of the word "is" is. Congratulations to the American people for cutting through the media and coming to reality.

SULLIVAN: Elizabeth, I said earlier it was so subtle, but it was so subtle, it hit like a brick. She's all of a sudden sounding like well, okay, it was a bad idea for me to do the separate e-mail thing, so come on, let bygones be bygones, is she going to get away with that?

LIZ HARRINGTON: I don't think so, this scandal is not going away, more and more stuff comes out by the day, and she's changing her a tone a little bit here because last week was such a disaster of a press conference for her, she came off as very defensive and dismissive. She said, voters don't care about this, only the media does. Now you see her saying, I understand this is a serious issue but I followed all the rules. She's trying to have it both ways because she's seen the polling this voters care about the scandal and they want more answers.

SULLIVAN: She must see that too, about this whole business about lying, saying okay, I'll be honest, I made a bad decision... but Chris, look at this. She's down 10 points. Bernie Sanders is doing better, but it seems like the pundits in your town are saying Bernie Sanders is not going to beat her.

PLANT: The pundits have been wrong before, they're going to be wrong again. I think they're going to be wrong a lot in this election cycle. A point of clarification what Hillary Clinton said, she's getting credit in the fake news media for taking responsibility for the e-mail scandal, and she's not. She said yesterday the State Department allowed it. She WAS the state department. She was the Secretary of State. That's like Bill Gates saying Microsoft allowed it, it is completely absurd. Having a private e-mail violated White House policy, therefore administration policy, and that's not even getting to the private server which was squirrelled away in a loft apartment in Denver, Colorado in the closet of a bathroom, completely unsecure. And Tom, honestly, I've been in this town a long time. If we found a mole inside the State Department that accessed for four years Hillary Clinton's e-mails coming and going and sent them to an unsecure server in Denver, Colorado, we would put that person in jail for decades.

SULLIVAN: That's true, there have been cases of exactly that.

PLANT: Yeah.

SULLIVAN: Elizabeth, Joe Biden, I know that he's going meet after Labor Day with a bunch of the big money raisers. He's met with Richard Crumkin now, it looks like everything is lined up so he's going to do it, do you being he's going to do it?

HARRINGTON: I think he's leaning towards that way, and these the poll numbers so bad for Hillary, it's got to make it more likely that he's giving it a closer look, and this meeting with Richard Crumkin is similar to the Elizabeth Warren meeting. He is meeting with all these groups, the different wings of the Democratic party and trying to see if he can shore up support to make a credible challenge to Hillary. I think that's what he's doing and sure does look like he's leaning closer by the day to a run.

SULLIVAN: And Chris, that's got to boost your ego a little bit when they show the polls, saying, hey, you can beat the any of those Republicans. That's got to help him make his decision.

PLANT: Him and the party also, because the party right now is more or less behind Hillary. But they see she is fading, a weak horse, and look, their bench stinks, when they go to the bull pen, they've got Joe Biden, 73 years old, the party of youth, the party of the future. They are looking to Al Gore. The party has no bench. They have no bull pen ... when they're going to Joe Biden, who is a punchline to a joke, and he's their fallback for Hillary Clinton ... for my own selfish purposes and for comedic reasons I hope he jumps into the race because nobody is more of a buffoon than him in this entire city. Everybody loves him in the news media. He's a nice guy. He probably is. He's a perfectly nice guy. That's entirely beside the point. He's a joke, he's been wrong about everything for 40 years.

SULLIVAN: But for you and me and radio, we love the gaffes, gives us material. Chris Plante, Elizabeth Harrington, thank you, both.

BOTH: Thanks.