Kay: The More Clinton Spins on Her Emails, The More Inauthentic She Looks

September 2, 2015

The more Hillary Clinton attempts to spin on her private email server as secretary of state, the less authentic and more lawyerly she appears, MSNBC guest Katty Kay said on Morning Joe Wednesday.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that Clinton wrote and sent at least six emails with her private servers containing what officials now say is classified information, in direct contradiction to her earlier claims to have never sent nor received classified material:

Although government officials deemed the e-mails classified after Clinton left office, they could complicate her efforts to move beyond the political fallout from the controversy. They suggest that her role in distributing sensitive material via her private e-mail system went beyond receiving notes written by others, and appears to contradict earlier public statements in which she denied sending or receiving e-mails containing classified information.

Clinton's rhetoric from her March 10 press conference about her emails has been repeatedly refuted as more information about her server has come to light, and this revelation was yet another example.

Kay said she was "spinning herself in knots on this one."

"It's her response to it that's the problem, and it has been her response all along that's the problem," Kay said. "The more she sounds like a politician about this, the more she sounds like she has her lawyer sitting on her shoulder dictating what she says, the less she sounds like the authentic person that is Donald Trump getting all of this appeal."