Henry on Clinton Email: FBI 'Doesn't Just Play Around' With Investigations

August 6, 2015

After a report that the federal investigation into the security of Hillary Clinton's private email server is a "criminal probe," Fox News correspondent Ed Henry said Thursday that the FBI "doesn't just play around" if it's making an official inquiry.

The New York Post reports:

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it's a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

"It’s definitely a criminal probe," said the source. "I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.

News broke this week that the FBI had launched an investigation into Clinton's server, which violated Obama administration policy since it was not an official government account. Press outlets repeatedly said Clinton was not the target of the probe and "not accused of any wrongdoing."

Henry said Clinton's presidential campaign was "aggressively" trying to spin the coverage around the story to emphasize that point.

"This is Hillary Clinton's email server, and she was the one who set it up," Henry said. "So even if it technically is not a criminal investigation today, the FBI doesn't just play around.

"A lot of people find that out when they have the FBI looking around, FBI agents trying to get information, and one would expect they're going to try to get their hands on that server at some point. Look, if you're a political campaign, and basically part of your defense is, she's not under criminal investigation, that suggests at the very least you're dealing with some serious political fallout."