George Soros’ Son Provides $1 Million Donation to Planned Parenthood Votes

Soros family provides major boost to group

George Soros
George Soros / AP
March 22, 2016

Jonathan Allan Soros, the chief executive officer of JS Capital Management LLC and son of liberal billionaire George Soros, made a $1,000,000 donation to Planned Parenthood Votes during the month of February, newly released Federal Election Commission records show.

Planned Parenthood Votes, the political action arm of Planned Parenthood, received donations from 11 individuals totaling $2,723,297.17 in February. Jonathan’s contribution was double that of the next-largest donation given to the group.

Jay Pritzker, managing partner at the Pritzker Group, an investment firm, provided the second-largest contribution throughout February in the amount of $500,000.

Joanne Egerman, who sits on the board of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts in Boston and the Anti-Defamation League in New York, gave $400,000 to the group last month.

Jonathan Soros is not the only member of the Soros family to pump money to Planned Parenthood Votes this year.

The group pulled in $538,585.18 from just five donors in January including $250,000 from Andrea Soros Colombel, president of the Trace Foundation and daughter of George Soros.

Planned Parenthood Votes now shows $4,508,822 in total receipts for the 2016 election cycle and has spent $1,295,881. The group currently has $3,342,810 cash on hand and debts of $258,296.

Published under: George Soros