The Latest

10 Scandal-Plagued Democrats Who Remain on ActBlue

ActBlue remains haven for Democratic sex criminals, pedophiles, and wife beaters

August 12, 2021
Al Franken

Serial Groper Al Franken Mingles With Wealthy Democratic Donors

Yuks it up with Democracy Alliance participants two months after ninth accuser came forward

November 15, 2019

Former Dem Staffer Is 9th Woman to Accuse Al Franken of Groping

'It’s so violating.... I felt deeply, deeply uncomfortable'

September 30, 2019

Gillibrand Blasts New Yorker Report for Largely Ignoring Franken's Other Accusers

'There was really no critical or investigative journalism or reporting on the other seven'

July 23, 2019

The New Yorker Believes Al Franken Over Eight Women, Your Lying Eyes

The argument for Franken's innocence is that lot of people who like Franken insist he is

July 22, 2019