DNC Chair Tom Perez Evades Question About Not Receiving Bernie Sanders' Email List

February 28, 2017

Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Tom Perez dodged a question on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Tuesday concerning why the DNC didn't have former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I., Vt.) email list.

Perez responded to the question by saying that he would soon meet with Sanders, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), and DNC deputy chair Keith Ellison.

"We're going to be moving forward to talk about how we make sure that we're all firing on all cylinders," Perez said.

"I'm looking forward to working together," he continued. "I think one of our challenges, and really I call it an opportunity as a party, is to channel the energy at a grassroots level. And really the president is a unifier."

Sanders seemed reluctant during a Sunday interview on CNN to give his email list to the DNC and implied that he would reserve that list for more progressive candidates.

"We are going to support and have supported and will continue to support those candidates who have the guts to stand up for working families and take on the big money and trusts," Sanders said.