CNN: Clinton Looking Past Trump, Preparing for 'Transition to the Presidency'

October 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton is looking past Donald Trump and preparing for a transition to the White House, CNN reported Monday, a sign of how confident she is of victory in two weeks.

Clinton holds polling leads over Trump in almost every swing state, and a new ABC News tracking poll out Sunday showed her leading by 12 points. According to the survey, voters broadly disapprove of Trump over the groping accusations by various women and his hesitation to accept the result of the election.

According to CNN's Jeff Zeleny, Clinton is "increasingly moving beyond Trump and turning her attention to her transition to the presidency."

"She's not being arrogant. She's being diligent," a top Democrat close to Clinton said.

An NBC News poll on Oct. 18 showed Clinton leading Trump by six points, while a Rasmussen poll found Trump with a two-point advantage. The data site FiveThirtyEight currently gives Clinton an 86.2 percent chance of winning the election.

Published under: CNN