Report: Palestinians in Violation of at Least 11 of 15 Treaties Abbas Signed

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is in flagrant violation of at least 11 of 15 treaties, according to a special report released by the Tower.

The Tower released a synopsis 12 treaties Abbas is violating or potentially violating.

1. The Four Geneva Conventions of Aug. 12, 1949, and the First Additional Protocol

The four Geneva Conventions established rules regulating conduct in armed conflicts. The Tower says Hamas, which controls the PA legislature, is violating this treaty by carrying out attacks in schools, mosques, hospitals, and cultural centers. It also engages in acts of terrorism and frequently uses human shields.

2. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

This treaty lays out rules for foreign diplomats, specifically diplomatic immunity. Violations of this treaty were clear when Czech police found explosives, assault rifles, and handguns at the Palestinian mission in Prague.

3. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict

These treaties established the rights of children under the age of 18 such as freedom from economic exploitation and the right to education. The treaties also specifically prohibit states from recruiting children under 18 to join their armed forces. Reports indicate that Hamas has trained at least 37,000 children ages 15-17 in urban warfare.

4. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

This treaty established equality between men and women and prohibits discrimination of all forms. Palestinian violations of this treaty are rampant. Honor killings are frequent, Palestinian women are not allowed to file for divorce, and freedom in general is often restricted for Palestinian women.

5. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

This treaty was established to equality for persons with disabilities. The Tower found multiple laws in Palestinian territories that explicitly discriminate against persons with disabilities.

6. The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

This treaty prohibits racial discrimination, including exclusions, restrictions, and preferential treatment. There is a Palestinian law in place that prohibits selling property to Jews. Violations are punishable by death. Additionally, Palestinian and Hamas officials often engage in anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incitement.

7. The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment of Punishment

This treaty bans cruel and inhuman punishment of all kinds. It also mandates that each state take action to prevent acts of torture. Reports have detailed numerous violations by the PA.

8. The United Nations Convention Against Corruption

This treaty attempts to prevent corruption. Widespread corruption is present in the Palestinian political system.

9. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

This treaty forbids any acts that could be prosecuted as genocide, such as killing members of a group, imposing measures to prevent births within a group, and transferring children of one group to another group. The PA has been accused on several occasions of demonizing and delegitimizing the state of Israel. It has also called for violence against Israelis.

10. The International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid

This convention outlawed and defined apartheid as a crime against humanity. According to the Tower, "Palestinian law bars Palestinians from selling their homes or properties to Jews. If they do so, they will be charged and face the death penalty."

11. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

This treaty requires states to ensure freedom and dignity in both civil and political spheres. Reports have found incitement and propaganda are rampant in the PA. Violations of the civil and political rights of people in the Palestinian territories such as forced child marriages and honor killings are widespread.

12. The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

This treaty established that states would respect the right to individual self-determination in areas such as economic, social, and cultural development. PA violations have been reported on numerous occasions. Assets have been unlawfully seized, and freedoms of expression, media, and assembly have been under attack.