McAuliffe Appoints Gun-Control Activist to Transition Team

McAuliffe earned a ‘F’ from the NRA in the race

November 21, 2013

Democratic Virginia Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe has appointed Lori Haas, the Virginia State Director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, to his 54-member bipartisan transition team.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence opposes the "insurrectionist ideology" of the National Rifle Association and supports banning so-called "assault weapons," as well as rolling back concealed carry laws, according to its website.

During the Virginia gubernatorial election, McAuliffe said he supported Colorado’s gun-control measures that resulted in the recall of two state senators.

McAuliffe’s stances earned him an "F" rating from the NRA. The NRA spent more than $500,000 against McAuliffe in the election.

"Despite claiming support for the Second Amendment, Haas’s appointment to this position to help assemble his Administration sends a very clear message to gun owners and sportsmen in Virginia that their rights are already under attack in Richmond," the NRA’s policy arm said in a statement.

McAuliffe’s narrow victory was bankrolled in part by gun-control groups, such as Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which spent $1.1 million on the race.

McAuliffe’s other recent appointments have riled his opponents as well.

McAuliffe’s first cabinet appointment was Levar Stoney, his deputy campaign manager and a former executive of the scandal-tainted GreenTech Automotive.

Published under: Guns , NRA