Pro-Gun Control Parkland Survivor on NRA: 'They're Pathetic F**kers That Want to Keep Killing Our Children'

David Hogg says NRA could have children's blood 'splatted all over their faces' and just see dollar signs

March 23, 2018

A 17-year-old high school senior who survived the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida sat down earlier this month for a profanity-laced interview in which he castigated the National Rifle Association and Republican politicians who support it, saying that the pro-Second Amendment group wants "to keep killing our children."

The Outline, a New York-based media company, sent two journalists to speak with Hogg at his home to discuss the gun-control efforts that he and some of his classmates have tried to push through Congress since the Feb. 14 shooting.

"They're pathetic fuckers that want to keep killing our children," said Hogg, referring to the NRA. "They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn't take action, because they all still see those dollar signs."

Hogg has become a vocal gun-control activist since the school massacre, in which 17 people were killed, speaking to numerous media outlets about his criticism of the NRA and desire to tighten gun restrictions.

One of the Outline journalists asked Hogg if he ever wonders why it seems like he and his fellow classmates are the only ones trying to push through gun-control legislation.

"It's like when your old-ass parents [say], 'I don't know how to send an iMessage,' and you're just like, 'Give me the fucking phone' and you take it and you're like, 'OK, let me handle it,' and you get it done in one second," Hogg said. "Sadly, that's what we have to do with our government because our parents don't know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to."

Hogg was also asked about the Florida state legislature rejecting a measure to ban assault weapons in late February and how he reacted to the news.

"It just makes me think what sick fuckers are out there that want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected," Hogg said. "What type of person are you when you want to see more fucking money than children's lives? What type of shitty person does that?"

Hogg then accused Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R.) of playing politics with the gun issue, adding that he "does not give a fuck about these kids' lives at all. He only cares about his reelection."

"Are you more in support of regulating certain types of guns or certain people's access to guns?" one of the reporters asked.

"Honestly, it's alright that people are buying more guns," Hogg responded. "I just care that they are being safe individuals and they can practice their Second Amendment rights all they want. I don't give a fuck about that. I just want to make sure that a crazy ass individual doesn't get an AR-15 or any weapon at all."

The tone of Hogg's interview was much different than a tweet that he sent out earlier this month in which he urged people not to debate gun policy as Democrats and Republicans but as united Americans.