Maryland Grocery Store Forced to Cut Hours Due to Obamacare

A well-loved Maryland supermarket is being forced to limit the amount of full time workers they hire because of the harsh mandates imposed by Obamacare.

Snider’s Superfoods, family owned and operated since 1946, says that they will not be hiring any new baggers or cashiers in order to avoid the 50 worker threshold, which under the new Obamacare stipulations, would require that they provide health insurance if they employ 50 or more full time workers.

Kevin Kuhlman, Manager of Legislative Affairs at the National Federation of Independent Businesses, explained employers’ financially motivated decision not to hire more workers to avoid the hefty mandate, telling WBFF-MD, "I think small businesses, especially those that offer health insurance, will really see it in their bottom line."

Another negative component of Obamacare is that businesses are saddled with potential taxes and fees, like the Temporary Reinsurance Fee and an Annual Small Business Health Insurance Tax (HIT). Kuhlman says these taxes and fees could lead to the reduction of around 146,000 jobs.

Published under: Maryland , Obamacare