Free Beacon Videos

WATCH: Award-Winning Journalist Compares Donald Trump, Republicans to Ku Klux Klan

'This is a literal true factual description,' says Wesley Lowery

February 1, 2023

WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 27)

Ailing geezer touts 'artificial intelivance' and 'viting vehicles' to 'counter Ukraine's brutal aggression'

January 27, 2023

FACT CHECK: 'If You're a Person in Power, Expert Fact-Checker Daniel Dale Is Watching Your Words'

Verdict: We're glad to know Dale is alive after a prolonged absence, but he's still not interested in holding powerful Democrats to account

January 24, 2023

WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 25)

'I want the record to show I don't know what questions I didn't answer'

January 13, 2023