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RFK Jr. Disavows Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, Whom He Once Called a ‘Truly Great Partner’

Kennedy has come under fire for making anti-Semitic statements about the coronavirus

July 19, 2023

How Surging Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Introduced Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan to the Anti-Vaxx Movement

Farrakhan: 'Some of us are afraid, but Mr. Kennedy found his way to our door'

May 1, 2023

COVID Forever: Fauci Says Americans Should Get Booster 'At Least Once a Year'

Studies indicate boosters provide limited protection against virus

March 16, 2023

Natural Immunity Just as Effective as COVID Vaccines, Study Finds

Biden admin's vaccine mandate forced thousands of Americans out of work

February 28, 2023

'Unconstitutionally Vague': Judge Blocks California's COVID 'Misinformation' Law

Law empowers state to disbar doctors for spreading what it deems outside the 'contemporary scientific consensus'

January 26, 2023