The Latest

MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans. Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists, Complaint Alleges.

In dissertation titled 'Cite a Sista,' Tracie Jones-Barrett stole an entire passage on 'ethical considerations' from her classmate

May 14, 2024

Biden Civil Rights Chief To Speak at Columbia Law Commencement Amid Anti-Semitism Scandal

Kristen Clarke at center of her own controversy in which she invited author of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory book to speak at Harvard

April 29, 2024

Jewish Students at Northwestern Petition Congress To Launch Anti-Semitism Probe

Complaint says school has failed to stem wave of 'intimidation, bigotry, vandalism, and other alleged hate crimes' against Jews

March 1, 2024

Biden Admin Outsources Congressionally Mandated China Threat Report to Undergrads

'This report is literally the opposite of adults being back in charge,' Ted Cruz says

January 24, 2024

California's Public University Employees Demand 'Equity Transformation'—And Threaten To Strike If They Don't Get It

Limits on police powers, regular access to 'gender-inclusive restrooms' included among demands

January 13, 2024