Free Beacon
Tom Harkin
The Latest
Critics: UFCW Hypocritical on Irregular Hours
Union fronts hiring ‘flexible’ workers to bash flexibility
July 28, 2014
Rubio Delivers Forceful Response Against Lifting Cuban Economic Embargo
Fla. Sen. describes harsh realities of communism, blasts Cuba's support of repressive Venezuelan government
February 24, 2014
Major Dem Donor’s Company to Benefit from Minimum Wage Hike
Costco will not be hit by minimum wage increase like its competitors will
January 29, 2014
Scott Rips Dems Over Nuke Option on NLRB
Democrats propose using the ‘nuclear option’ to prevent GOP from blocking Obama appointees
May 21, 2013
Blowing the Whistle
Pastor testifies about political machinations of Obama labor nominee
May 7, 2013