The Latest

Michigan Public Schools Spent Nearly Half of Their $1.2 Billion in Pandemic Relief Funds on Employee Compensation, Watchdog Says

Michigan school districts 'mostly used Covid relief funds to pad existing employees’ compensation levels,' watchdog's findings indicate

April 16, 2024

Berkeley Public Schools Hit With Federal Complaint Over ‘Severe and Persistent’ Anti-Semitic Bullying

Complaint alleges hallway chants of ‘kill the Jews’ and anti-Semitic teacher rants in support of Hamas

February 28, 2024

San Francisco Reverses 'Equitable' Ban on Middle School Algebra

The decade-long policy resulted in lower math scores and failed to fix the racial gap in advanced math classes

February 15, 2024

Brooklyn High School Postpones Winter Dance Following Migrant Takeover

'How is it our kids are being punished … because we have to house people that broke the law to get in here?' one parent asked

January 10, 2024

'Profoundly Irresponsible': Cruz Demands Answers on Teachers' Union's Anti-Semitic 'Teach-In'

Unionized Oakland teachers taught public school students about 'intifada,' Israeli 'apartheid'

December 19, 2023

Portland Public Schools Must Now Consider Race, Gender Identity When Disciplining Students

New collective bargaining agreement centers district's disciplinary procedures on 'racial equity and social justice'

December 2, 2023