Free Beacon Mary Landrieu

The Latest


Hillary Clinton Attending Fundraiser With Pro-Keystone XL Lobbyist

Clinton recently stated opposition to the pipeline

January 12, 2016
Bill Cassidy

Cassidy Defeats Landrieu

Win gives GOP 54-seat majority in Senate

December 6, 2014
Mary Landrieu

Radio Hosts Mock Landrieu After Interview

Mocked Landrieu for not letting them get a word in

December 3, 2014
Mary Landrieu, Bill Cassidy

Landrieu Goes on Attack During Final Debate

Cassidy: LSU timesheet allegations are ‘absolutely false’

December 2, 2014

Conservative Groups Prepare Major Push in Louisiana Runoff

Ending Spending PAC spends $600,000 on ads for final week

December 1, 2014

The De Blasio Democrats

Column: Liberal, extreme, and contemptuous of public opinion

November 21, 2014

Landrieu Fails to Get Keystone Passed

Democrats don’t bail out Mary

November 18, 2014
Large sections of Keystone Pipeline in Texas

House Votes to Approve Keystone Pipeline

Pressure grows on Landrieu to get bill to the Senate

November 14, 2014