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Individual Mandate
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44% of Voters Believe Repealing Any Part of Obamacare Is a Good Start
51% of voters oppose the individual mandate
January 12, 2018
Cotton Predicts Tax Bill's Passage, Touts Provision Repealing Obamacare Individual Mandate
'We're going to have a good tax bill that pulls the heart out of Obamacare'
December 12, 2017
Murkowski Says She Supports Repealing Obamacare Individual Mandate
Senate Republican tax bill includes provision to repeal mandate
November 22, 2017
5.8 Million Uninsured Are Eligible For Cheaper Insurance But May Continue to Opt For Penalty Instead
Expert says many individuals would rather pay penalty than Obamacare's hefty cost-sharing
November 14, 2017
CBO: Repealing Obamacare's Individual Mandate Would Reduce Deficit By $338 Billion
Expert says repealing Obamacare's mandate should be included in House and Senate tax reform proposals
November 10, 2017