The Latest

Black Lives Matter Pours $1M Into Former Black Panther Leader's Low-Income Apartment Project

Elaine Brown hopes Oakland's Black Panther building will spur communist revolution

March 29, 2024

Gleaning the Wrong Lessons from 1989

REVIEW: ‘The Picnic: A Dream of Freedom and the Collapse of the Iron Curtain’ by Matthew Longo

January 21, 2024

SEIU Leader Participated in Palestinian Protest That Shut Down Brooklyn Bridge

Union leader Larry Alcoff was joined by his wife Linda and son Jose, an Antifa member who was charged with felony assault in 2019

January 9, 2024

Rooms With No View

REVIEW: 'The Red Hotel: Moscow 1941, the Metropol Hotel, and the Untold Story of Stalin's Propaganda War'

October 29, 2023

When European Progress Gets Too Progressive

REVIEW: 'Homelands: A Personal History of Europe' by Timothy Garton Ash

October 1, 2023