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Infrastructure Power Grid Renewable Energy

This Green Group Wants To Penalize You for Using Natural Gas—and Obtain Your Private Data To Do So

Renewable Energy Alaska Project demands local utility provider fork over consumer data to help form green plan

February 29, 2024

Top US Banks Flee Left-Wing Climate Coalition Ahead of Legal Battle

Republican state attorneys general say Climate Action 100+ inflates energy prices and unfairly manipulates market

February 22, 2024

Biden Admin Cited 'Indigenous Knowledge' as Reason To Block Oil and Gas Leases

Watchdog files scientific integrity complaint after admin prioritizes 'subjective beliefs' over 'evidence'

February 19, 2024

Tennessee Files ESG Lawsuit Against BlackRock, Alleging 'Deceptive Acts and Practices'

'In short, BlackRock has engaged in a series of unlawful ESG-related misrepresentations'

December 18, 2023