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Americans for Prosperity
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AFP Foundation Touts Right to Work Benefits in MO Amid Union-Funded Ballot Drive
Campaign comes after Missouri unions raised $800,000 to put law on 2018 ballot
August 2, 2017
Court Strikes Down California Effort to Reveal Donors to Nonprofit
Compelled donor disclosure dubbed violation of group’s First Amendment rights
April 21, 2016
Federal Court Blocks Dem’s Attempt to Out Conservative Donors
Citing First Amendment, judge enjoins California from forcing Koch-backed nonprofit to disclose supporters
February 19, 2015
Cancer Patient Who Lost Insurance Due to Obamacare: 'I Demand An Apology From Sen. Reid'
'I believed the president when he said that if I had a health care plan that I liked, I could keep it. That was the lie. I am not lying'
February 27, 2014
Barber Discusses Peters’ Attempt to Silence Obamacare Victim
‘No other way to look at it’ than an assault on free speech
February 24, 2014
Cancer, Obamacare Victim at Center of Political Storm
Democrats attack Michigan cancer victim after being featured in political ad
February 22, 2014
Koch Industries Rebukes Democrats Over Shutdown
Reid, Sanders spreading misinformation, company says
October 9, 2013