Vitter: Emails Show EPA, Green Group in 'Beyond Cozy' Relationship

Natural Resources Defense Council appears to be in cahoots with the EPA

Sen. David Vitter (R., La.) / AP
October 14, 2014

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a "beyond cozy" relationship with a liberal environmental action group, according to a new report from the Daily Signal.

The Natural Resources Defense Council played an "absolutely inappropriate" role in drafting the EPA carbon emissions plan, Sen. David Vitter (R., La.), top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, said.

"The EPA has been one of the least transparent agencies I have ever seen, but it’s become apparent that their lack of transparency is to hide the influence that an organization so heavily focused on undermining U.S. businesses and families has at EPA," Vitter said.

Emails between the EPA and Natural Resources Defense Council were recently released that show the agency did not "consider all stakeholders' opinions equally." Since January 2009, the organization has received $1.9 million in EPA grants.

"While both sides have denied NRDC's improper influence over the EPA's development of the carbon rule, these emails clearly demonstrate their beyond cozy relationship and force the question: Who is working for whom?"