Sean Eldridge Campaign Gets Cash from Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt

January 31, 2014

Democrat Sean Eldridge’s campaign for a New York House seat received cash from billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, Google’s Eric Schmidt, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in the third quarter of 2013.

Eldridge, husband of New Republic editor Chris Hughes, also poured another $250,000 of his own money into the campaign, bringing his self-financing total to $715,000.

Bloomberg reported on the information, revealed in Eldridge’s year-end filing with the Federal Election Commission:

Steyer, the former chief executive officer of San Francisco-based Farallon Capital Management, gave $5,200 to Eldridge’s campaign, and Schmidt gave $2,600.

Eldridge raised $528,944 in the fourth quarter, including $250,000 from the candidate, according to a report filed today with the Federal Election Commission.

Eldridge, who’s married to Facebook Inc. co-founder Chris Hughes, received a $2,600 donation from Chris Cox, Facebook’s vice president for product and one of CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s "longtime confidants," as Brad Stone and Sarah Frier wrote for Bloomberg Businessweek this week.

Eldridge is seeking to unseat two-term Rep. Chris Gibson, who raised $269,584 in the fourth quarter and began the year with $863,339 in the bank.

Published under: Mark Zuckerberg