Scarborough: NYT Public Editor Told Me Krugman's Column is Paper's 'Biggest Nightmare'

October 10, 2013

Joe Scarborough revealed an unnamed public editor told the MSNBC host after his debate with Paul Krugman that the liberal economist's column is the New York Times' "biggest nightmare" Thursday on Morning Joe.

Scarborough's revelation came at the end of an interview with Harvard historian Niall Ferguson who has written a series of blog posts on Huffington Post sharply criticizing "Krugtron the Invincible" over his inaccurate and often inflammatory predictions.

In reaction to Scarborough's anecdote Ferguson said "[Then] why don't [they] do something about that? Deal with it New York Times!":

NIALL FERGUSON: […] And there’s no accountability. Nobody seems to edit that blog in the New York Times and it’s high time that somebody call him out. People are afraid of him. I’m not.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I actually won't tell you which public editor it was, but one of the public editors of the New York Times told me off the record after my debate that their biggest nightmare was his column every week.

FERGUSON: Then why don't you do something about it, deal with him New York Times!

Full segment:

Published under: Paul Krugman