Rubio: Hillary Avoiding Questions Because She Has So Many Things to Answer For

Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio questioned Hillary Clinton’s media quarantine and record as Secretary of State during a Fox News appearance Thursday.

Outnumbered host Andrea Tantaros asked the Florida Republican what question he would ask Clinton if given the chance.

"What did you achieve as secretary of state?" Rubio asked. "How do you answer for this abysmal foreign policy approach this White House has taken?"

"Whether it’s the reset in Russia, pulling out of Iraq too early, mismanaging the Libya experience—I think they have a lot to answer for, and that’s one of the reasons she probably doesn’t want to be exposed so early to these questions," Rubio said.

Rubio’s questions will likely go unanswered for the time being. Clinton, who is speaking today at Texas Southern University, is not making herself available to the press.

An email sent by TSU to reporters the day before Clinton’s speech stated "There will be NO opportunities to interview Hillary Clinton. Her speech will be her interview." Clinton has often been criticized for the secrecy of her campaign, which contributes to her image as remote and untrustworthy.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, will likely cruise into the general election without a fight from her party’s other candidates. By contrast, Rubio said the GOP candidate will be battle-tested after emerging from a diverse field.

"If in fact she is in the Democratic nominee, she will be running against someone who has been answering questions and dealing with all of this for months," Rubio said. "Practice matters. Being experienced at these things matters. I think she will struggle with it as a result."