Conservative commentator and radio host Erick Erickson is departing his position as the editor-in-chief of the popular blog RedState, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Sunday.
Erickson has edited the site since 2005, turning it into a go-to source for conservative activists. Candidates looking to court the online right have sought Erickson’s endorsement ever since.
According to the AJC’s Jim Galloway, reporting from the annual RedState Gathering in Atlanta, Erickson’s tenure at the site will soon come to an end.
As we left the building, we picked up word that he’ll soon be leaving, which was purchased 18 months ago by Salem Communications Corp., a competing radio group.
Erickson will remain at WSB Radio, but the next RedState Gathering will need to find another host.
In a Monday email, Erickson declined to confirm the report.
"In four days I'm hosting ten presidential candidates in Atlanta for the RedState Gathering," he wrote. "This week is all I'm focused on."