Elizabeth Warren Takes Major Pay Cut on Book Advance

Sen. Elizabeth Warren / Getty Images
May 22, 2017

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) was paid a $200,000 advance for her recently released book "This Fight is Out Right," according to her 2016 financial disclosure filing.

The filing, first reported by the Boston Globe, shows that the $200,000 from Henry Holt and Company accounted for the bulk of Warren's 2016 salary. The disclosure says that the "advance and royalties" for the book were agreed upon in November 2016 and "based on customary and usual terms."

The Globe reports that Warren's previous book, which was also published by Henry Holt and Company, earned her a much larger $500,000 advance.

The sum for "This Fight is Our Fight" represents a substantial step down from the more than half-a-million check Warren got for her previous book, "A Fighting Chance," from the same publisher. [...]

Still, the bank account of the Democratic lawmaker and liberal champion is doing just fine. Warren has a personal net worth of at least $2.51 million, according to her latest disclosure. When her assets are combined with those of her husband Bruce Mann, the couple is worth more than $4.74 million.

Warren has previously pledged to donate a portion of her earnings from the book to Massachusetts-based food banks, but her office would not comment on whether those plans have been set in motion.

Published under: Elizabeth Warren