Tribal protesters greet Jerry Brown at green energy transmission line dedication

Gov. Jerry Brown faced protesters Thursday at the dedication of a transmission line to increase green energy power deliveries to the California coast, reports the San Diego Union-Tribune:

California's governor, local politicians and business leaders gathered Thursday at an electrical substation on the outskirts of San Diego to celebrate the completion of a transmission line that will help boost green energy deliveries to the coast.

The 500,000-volt line, known as the Sunrise Powerlink, should help San Diego Gas & Electric meet increased renewable energy mandates enacted under Gov. Jerry Brown. California will require 33 percent renewable-energy generation from retailers by 2020.

The $1.9 billion project was also designed to improve the reliability of the region's electrical grid and free congestion that can drive up prices. Customers across the state are bearing the cost.

Tribal members protested the transmission line, which they say required the destruction of burial grounds, according to ABC San Diego.

Published under: Jerry Brown