Paul Ryan: Midterm Rout of Dems Shows Hillary Isn't Inevitable

November 6, 2014

Congressman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) discussed the inevitability of Hillary Clinton’s presidential election on the Hugh Hewitt Show Thursday.

Hugh Hewitt asked Ryan, "Are you surprised, Paul Ryan, Mrs. Clinton went to Arkansas, and she went to Kentucky on behalf of Democrats who lost? What’s that tell us about Hillary being inevitable in 2016?"

"It just tells you that she’s not inevitable. I think she’s very beatable." Ryan said.

For Ryan, Hillary Clinton’s hopes for the presidency are uncertain given her record.

"She’s the architect of the Obama foreign policy for the first four years, and look at how awful that is," Ryan said.

Ryan also pointed to Clinton’s single payer health care policy, which is even further to the left of Obamacare.

"So I really think this is not an inevitability thing." Ryan said. "I think the media likes to play it that way, and I think Democrats think of it that way, but I do believe she’s a house of cards."

Published under: 2016 Election