Panetta Interrupted by 'No More Wars' Chants During DNC Speech

July 27, 2016

Leon Panetta's speech at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday was interrupted by chants of "No more wars!" and "Lies!" from supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).

The former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director, who also served as Chief of Staff during Bill Clinton's administration, blasted Donald Trump as unfit for office and hailed Hillary Clinton's national security credentials.

However, as his remarks went on, the "No more wars!" chant started to ring out from the Philadelphia arena.

He smiled in acknowledgement of the interruption.

Buzzing in the audience and chanting back and forth continued throughout the last six minutes of his remarks, which included cries of "Lies!" even as he talked about his family's heritage. Eventually, counter-chants of "USA!" began from others in the crowd, drowning the Sanders delegates out.

Published under: Leon Panetta