Michelle Obama Takes Thinly Veiled Shot at Trump's Tweets: 'You Need to Edit and Spell Check'

Michelle Obama / Getty Images
Michelle Obama (Getty Images)
November 30, 2017

Former First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday appeared to take a not-so-subtle jab at President Donald Trump's tweets while speaking at a Economics of Equality: Advancing Women and Girls to Change the World event.

The former first lady spoke about her time in politics and about the importance of young girls and women being educated, according to People. Obama did not mention Trump by name, but she offered some advice while seeminglly criticizing the president's behavior in front of a sold-out Toronto, Ontario crowd of 3,000 attendees.

"One thing I’ve learned in politics. One person can’t make the change. Change is from the bottom up. Not the top down. And that’s a good thing," she said in an apparent reference to the current president. "That means that no one person can break all this either."

Obama specifically addressed social media during the fireside-like chat, appearing to reference Trump's gut instinct tweets.

"It is never a good thing to say the first thing that comes to your mind," Obama said about thinking before you tweet and "never tweeting" from bed at night, later adding, "You need to edit and spell-check," as reported by Page Six.

Obama admittedly said there are areas of social media she has yet to comprehend.

"What’s up with you young people? This Tweetin’ and Snapchattin’ … this is generationally something that I just don’t understand," she said as reported by the Toronto Star. "Would you take your journal, your diary and open it up in the center of the town square and let people just read it? Just come up and go ‘Ooh, this is how you felt? About your mother?’"

The former first lady continued to criticize certain social media behaviors in an apparent reference to Trump's tweeting habits.

"When you have a voice, you can’t just use it any kind of way, you know?" Obama added. "You don’t just say what’s on your mind. You don’t tweet every thought. Most of your first initial thoughts are not worthy of the light of day."

She went on to describe Twitter as a "powerful weapon that we just hand over to little kids."

"A 10-year-old, ‘Here you go. Tell it like it is.’ No, you don’t. You need to think and spell it right and have good grammar," Obama said.