Joe Scarborough Rips Clintons for Grocery Store Comment

Scarborough: 'They ain't in East St. Louis, they're in Chappaqua, New York'

Joe Scarborough ripped into the Clintons on Morning Joe, criticizing Bill Clinton's recent attempt to defend his wife by saying she's not out of touch because "We go to our local grocery store on the weekend."

Scarborough pointed out that the Clintons' local grocery store is not exactly middle class America: "They ain't in East St. Louis, they're in Chappaqua, New York." Chappaqua's median income, according to the New York Times, is $163,201.

Scarborough demanded, "Why can't they just say, 'guess what,  I used to not have money at all, I had to borrow $150 from my parents to get my son Joey a bass guitar. Guess what? Now I got lots of money and I worked my ass off to get lots of money and I worked around the clock for 25 years to get lots of money. You know what? I am blessed. I am blessed to be an American. I am blessed that hard work pays off. I'm blessed to be the luckiest guy on the face of the earth. But yes, I'm rich.'" Scarborough noted that most past presidents have been wealthy, "The question is can you still relate to people? It has nothing to do with going to the grocery store."

"It's the difference between Republicans and Democrats," Scarborough said. "We're proud when we work hard and make lots of money. I think some Democrats are just guilty. Maybe they feel guilty about being rich."

"Are you suggesting that Bill Clinton is guilt-ridden when he goes to bed every night?" Eugene Robinson joked. "I'm not picturing that."

"By the time somebody is in a position to run for president of the United States and win, they have been in a bubble for 20, 25 years," Scarborough remarked. "So the Clintons can just say it and move the hell on and talk about helping working class Americans."