In Congress, Democrats the Party of the Rich

Only two Republican districts make the list of the top 10 richest House districts, according to an Associated Press analysis.

The Democrats have the top six richest districts; most are in heavily Democratic states such as New York and California.

The AP reports:

Across the country, Democratic House districts have an average per capita income of $27,893. That's about $1,000 higher than the average income in Republican districts. The difference is relatively small because Democrats also represent a lot of poor districts, putting the average in the middle.

Democrats say the "party of the rich" label is more about policies than constituents.

During the 2012 presidential election, Republican nominee Mitt Romney declared, "We're not the party of the rich. We're the party of the people who want to get rich."

Below are the top 10 richest districts and their representatives compiled by the AP:

1. New York 12, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D.)

2. California 33, Rep. Henry Waxman (D.)

3. New York 10, Jerry Nadler (D.)

4. California 18, Anna Eshoo (D.)

5. Connecticut 4, Jim Himes (D.)

6. Virginia 8, Jim Moran (D.)

7. New Jersey 7, Leonard Lance (R.)

8. California 12, Nancy Pelosi (D.)

9. New York 3, Steve Israel (D.)

10. Virginia 10, Frank Wolf (R.)