Howard Dean Has No Clue

Says Georgian Eduard Shevardnadze Was President of Ukraine

Howard Dean is in need of a history book.

While appearing on CNN’s Crossfire Tuesday, Dean tried to suggest Georgian Eduard Shevardnadze was the former President of Ukraine.

"You had Shevardnadze as the President. You had this succession of crooks; Yanukovych being one of them. It wasn't until the Orange Revolution that Putin started to get nervous," Dean said.

Paul Wolfowitz, the former deputy secretary of Defense, politely corrected Dean on his gaffe reminding him Shevardnadze was the President of Georgia from ’95-’03.

"Well, Shevardnadze was in Georgia," Wolfowitz replied.

An embarrassed Dean then realized his mistake saying, "Excuse me it was Kuchma. Pardon me, you’re right Shevardnadze was in Georgia."

Published under: Howard Dean