Cruz Wins Presidential Straw Poll

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) won the presidential straw poll at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans over the weekend, the Independent Journal Review reports.

Thirty-five percent of more than 1,500 delegates in attendance voted in the straw poll.

Ted Cruz won 30.33 percent of the votes.

The full results:

1. Ted Cruz — 30.33 percent

2. Ben Carson — 29.38 percent

3. Rand Paul — 10.43 percent

4. Mike Huckabee — 5.06 percent

5. Rick Perry — 4.90 percent

6. Curt Clawson (write-in) — 4.58 percent

7. Jeb Bush — 4.42 percent

8. Marco Rubio — 3.32 percent

9. Rick Santorum — 2.37 percent

10. Paul Ryan — 2.05 percent

11. Allen West (write-in) — 2.05 percent

12. Chris Christie — 1.11 percent

The IJ Review reports on three main takeaways from the straw poll:

1) Ted Cruz is the conservative favorite right now.

2) The enthusiasm for Ben Carson is real, and he will be a factor if he decides to run.

3) Rand Paul has surprisingly high support, even within potentially hostile crowds – such as the mostly white and older attendees of the RLC. Rand Paul certainly will be a major factor in 2016, even if it’s just through pushing other candidates and drawing stark contrasts.

Published under: 2016 Election , Ted Cruz