Bill Clinton: Dodd-Frank Worked, There Are 50,000 Fewer People Working on Wall Street

April 15, 2016

Former President Bill Clinton touted the effects of the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill signed by President Obama, saying on Friday that there were now 50,000 fewer people working on Wall Street than there were before the Great Recession.

Stumping for Hillary Clinton at Mount Saint Vincent College in The Bronx, Clinton tore into corporations "spending 80 to 90 percent of their revenues ... giving them to their shareholders" and other top executives instead of to their workers.

"The question about all of this is what are you going to do about it?" Clinton asked. "She was the first candidate to say, 'Look, what we need to do now' ... We solved the problem that caused the last crash. The Dodd-Frank bill which President Obama signed is working. There are 50,000 fewer people working on Wall Street today than there were the day before the crash.

"An article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, hardly the Democrats' last best friend, saying that these banks are making more conventional loans and fewer gambles. It's working. We've just got to keep working it."

Published under: Dodd-Frank