Awkward: Huma Abedin Rejects Clinton Supporter's Hug

February 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s long-time aide, Huma Abedin, pushed away a Clinton supporter who tried to hug her after Thursday night’s Democratic debate.

While it is unclear who the woman was, she spent a few seconds talking to Clinton and gave her a brief hug after the debate.

Abedin, who was standing a few feet behind Clinton, swiftly moved in in an apparent attempt to reach Clinton. Then the moment got awkward as the woman attempted to hug Abedin, who pushed her away and kept her at an arm's length.

Abedin looked annoyed.

She appeared to thank the unknown hugger and tell her that she would soon have her picture taken with Clinton, according to a Free Beacon lip-reading analysis.

Abedin is under investigation by the State Department inspector general for her peculiar employment arrangement for six months in 2012: Abedin was simultaneously employed by the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, Clinton’s personal office, and a consulting firm with connections to Clinton.

For the second half of 2012, Abedin worked as a "special government employee," which enabled her to work for the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, Clinton's personal office, and Teneo.

The IG concluded last year that Abedin was overpaid $10,000 because of violations of sick leave and vacation policies.