Al Sharpton: Bernie Sanders Represents 'Popularism'

July 2, 2015

MSNBC's evening host Al Sharpton popped onto Morning Joe Thursday and delivered another trademark word mangling during discussion of presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).

Sharpton warned that Hillary Clinton criticizing Sanders, who trails her badly in Democratic polling but is still drawing enormous crowds on the campaign trail, could work against her because of the "popularism" for which he stands.

"That could backfire because sometimes, I think when you start attacking someone who is perceived as the face of a movement, because let's remember we're not dealing with the charisma of Bernie Sanders, we're dealing with the popularism that he represents," Sharpton said. "When you start attacking that, you may even generate more of a crowd."

The word he's likely looking for is populism.

Published under: Al Sharpton