Would Obama Have Won WWII?

September 8, 2014

The Obama administration would have lost World War II because of its unwillingness to recognize the enemy as a force to eradicate, Fox News contributor Jonathan Hoenig told Cashin' In host Eric Bolling on Monday.

"I honestly wonder if our current administration would have won World War II," Hoenig said. "I think we would have lost it."

Following M*A*S*H* actor Wayne Rogers' assertion that "the enemy of our enemy is our friend," Hoenig said, "We have enemies, and they're the ones who are declaring war on America and slicing journalists' heads off."

Hoenig said the only reason we no longer see Japanese Kamikazes or Nazi Stormtroopers is that "we destroyed that enemy, we totally discredited those ideas."

"We needed to take a page of General Douglas MacArthur," Hoenig said. "No substitute for total victory--that's the only thing that's going to keep us safe."