Good Guys to Triumph Over NLRB Election Rule

Unions brace for defeat in Senate vote

Union and business groups are ramping up lobbying efforts in advance of key congressional votes on the National Labor Relation Board’s controversial union election rule. A vote is expected in the Senate as early as next week on a joint resolution for congressional disapproval, which would block the regulation.

The Hill reports

A Senate Republican leadership aide told The Hill that a vote on the measure was expected sometime over the next two weeks. That will likely step up lobbying on the proposal. On Thursday, the AFL-CIO sent a letter to senators urging them to vote against the joint resolution. …

Business groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce oppose the rule, which would speed up union elections. Glenn Spencer, vice president of the Chamber’s Workforce Freedom Initiative, has said in the past that a vote on the joint resolution is likely the most significant labor vote this congressional session. …

Business groups have said the rule would limit employers’ free speech rights when it comes to union elections. They have argued that could end up hurting job growth.


Published under: NLRB