U.S. Embassy Spokesman: ‘Too Much Energy Spent Trying to Cast Blame’ for MH17 Attack

People lay flowers on the Airport Schiphol for the people who died in the Malasian airlines mh 17 who crashed in Ukrane / AP
October 13, 2015

A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Russia said on Tuesday that "too much energy" has been spent trying to discover who is responsible for the terrorist attack on a Malaysian airlines flight last year that killed nearly 300 people.

"My heart goes out to the victims of MH17," said Will Stevens in a since-deleted tweet Tuesday morning. "Too much energy spent trying to cast blame."

Other twitter users captured screenshots of the tweet before it was deleted:

Stevens’ comments came shortly after Dutch investigators released long-awaited findings on the attack, which found that it was shot down by a Russian-made missile. The investigators did not blame the Russian government for the attack, saying that was a question for criminal investigators.

Stevens clarified his comments in a follow-up tweet. "We continue to support efforts to hold accountable those responsible for the 298 passengers and crew killed," he said.

Published under: Russia