Testimony: U.S. general blocked investigation into Afghan hospital abuse due to election

Corrupt hospital's conditions described as 'Auschwitz-like'

An active duty Army colonel testified Tuesday that a three-star U.S. general blocked an investigation into an Afghan hospital where horrifying abuse took place -- due to the upcoming elections.

The hospital received more than $150 million in U.S. funding during a period of 18 months. Conditions at the hospital were described as "Auschwitz-like" in a statement before the House Tuesday; abuse was rampant at the hospital, including doctors demanding bribes for treatment and performing surgeries without painkillers, as well as unsanitary practices and conditions.

According to testimony Tuesday, a three-star general blocked an investigation into the hospital, the Associated Press reports:

Col. Mark Fassl, who was inspector general for the training command, said he was shocked when Lt. Gen. William Caldwell cited the then-upcoming 2010 congressional elections and asked, "How could we ... make this request with elections coming? He calls me Bill."

Fassl said he believed this was a reference to President Barack Obama.

Two retired colonels who worked with the training command also told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that Caldwell did not want an inspector general's investigation of the Dawood National Military Hospital. One said in his statement that the hospital had "Auschwitz-like conditions."

Published under: Afghanistan