Rubio: Clinton Had Steady Reporting of Benghazi's Danger, Failed to Provide Adequate Security

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) said he found Wednesday's Benghazi hearing insightful and that it made clear the Benghazi post should not have been opened, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should have known its danger and provided better security and the lack of response to a second wave of the attack was "very troubling" Thursday on Fox News:

RUBIO: Very insightful and there is a lot more to be learned. Here's what we know about Benghazi. First of all, that post probably shouldn't have been open, and the people in charge of that, Secretary Clinton and the State Department, they had a steady stream of reporting that showed how dangerous it was. It was one of the reasons why the British pulled out of there, so we knew it was a dangerous place to begin with. Second, they didn't have adequate security for the place, so it was dangerous and then they left it open, but they didn't give them adequate security. Third, apparently they didn't give them enough response teams to respond to any sort of attack. And fourth, now there are people saying maybe there is something we could have done for the second wave of the attack, but they didn't let us go. So these four things are very, very troubling.

Rubio went on to call out the Obama administration and Clinton for posting the attack as the result of a demonstration about a YouTube video rather than a coordinated terrorist assault and putting political motivations above accurately informing the American people:

RUBIO: I think there's s two reasons why that happened. Number one, the president was in the middle of a re-election. One of his talking points was that terrorism had been defeated and he had defeated it, and this ran counter to that narrative. They didn't want to admit there was a terrorist attack, because to admit it was to admit that terrorism was still out there and reaching us. And so that's the reason why they sent the order, in my opinion, in some way, shape or form, they sent the order that these talking points should not be allowed to include any reference to terrorism, per se, or at least it acting as a terrorist attack, but rather that they need to be told this was something that was a result of a YouTube video. So I think that was the political motivation behind it. What I think is sad is how many people are around the administration, including the former Secretary of State, Secretary Clinton, knew this to be the case and allowed this to move forward anyway. You would have hoped people would have stood up and said this is wrong. The American people deserve the truth. That didn't happen.