Pelosi Won't Say Whether Illegal Immigrants From Iraq Should Receive Amnesty

“I don’t think it has anything to do with what the president is going to do next on immigration”

October 2, 2014

At her weekly press conference, Nancy Pelosi was asked whether illegal immigrants from Iraq should be granted legal status.

Her reply didn't contain an answer to the question, according to CNS News.

"Well, we have many borders," Pelosi began. "We have the Canadian border, we have the southern border. We have people coming by land and sea. And we certainly have to protect the American people. That’s our first responsibility, to protect and defend.

"I don’t think it has anything to do with what the president is going to do next on immigration," she continued. "I think it has to do with what we are doing for our national security."

When CNS followed up with her office to ask if anyone who comes into the country illegally from areas controlled by the terrorist group ISIL would be granted amnesty, they received no reply.

Following the briefing, asked Pelosi, via email and phone messages to her press secretary, if Obama's amnesty plan should include Iraqis, and if so, whether the U.S. government has the ability to perform reliable background checks on illegal aliens who have come from areas now controlled by ISIS. Pelosi's office did not respond.